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Koblenz Cemetery

"The community of the Middle Ages maintained... a cemetery, the latter of which was consecrated in 1303 and later used...

Added May 04, 2020

Koblenz New Synagogue

"Later, in 1851, a new synagogue (renovated in 1923) was established at 13 Florinsmarkt; located in a complex of buildings...

Added May 04, 2020

Koblenz 18th Century Synagogue

"In 1702, the community inaugurated a synagogue on the Kleine Judengasse (“small Jewish alley”)." Heike Zaun Goshen Copyright: Pogrom Night...

Added May 04, 2020


First Jewish presence: 1104; peak Jewish population: 800 in 1928; Jewish population in 1933: 669 The Jewish community of Koblenz...

Added May 04, 2020